- Physical object is a broad class of data objects that can be acquired by the Dalhousie Libraries and managed as part of its circulating collections or the Archives Permanent Collection.
Physical object can include analog media and digital storage devices.
Physical object is a “Transfer Object Type” that can be referenced in Transfer Object Type descriptors.
- The Libraries maintains a master list of physical objects that records information about each type of physical Data Object found in the Archives Permanent Collection and other library collections.
- The purpose of the master list of formats is to:
- Establish an authoritative list of Data Objects
- Provide a controlled list of format types to be used in the register of digital storage devices
- Support the Preservation Planning activities of the Libraries' Preservation Committee
- Support digitization activities performed in accordance with the DCH and digital forensics activities carried out in the DFL.
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210712011835/http://www.tech-notes.tv/Standards-Practices/TVTapeformats.htm
Information in the master list of physical formats