RAD 1.1 – Title and statement of responsibility area

RAD 1.1 – Title and statement of responsibility area

1.1B – Title proper

Usage guidelines: mandatory at all levels of description.

Formal title proper

Transcribe formal titles exactly as to wording, order, and spelling, but not necessarily as to punctuation or capitalization.

Supplied title

If no formal title proper exists, compose a brief supplied title that includes a “name element” and terms or phrases that describe the “nature of the archival unit.” See RAD 1.14B for guidance on supplied titles for parts of a fonds or collection.

1.1C – General material designation

Usage guidelines: mandatory at all levels of description.

  1. Select one or more general material designation term(s) from the drop-down menu.

  1. If the unit being described contains material that falls into more than three terms in the list, use the term multiple media

  2. Use terms with “electronic” in parentheses for born-digital material. Do not use these terms for analogue material that has been digitized.

  3. Use the term “Textual record (microform)” if the material is available on microfilm or microfiche.

1.1D – Parallel titles

Usage guidelines: prohibited at all levels of description except the file- and item-level, where it is optional when transcribing a formal title proper. Do not use parallel titles with supplied titles.

Transcribe parallel titles that appear in conjunction with the formal title proper.

1.1E – Other title information

Usage guidelines: prohibited at all levels of description except the file- and item-level, where it is option when transcribing a formal title proper that needs explanation (See RAD 1.1E6). Do not use other title information with supplied titles.

If the formal title proper needs explanation, supply a brief note as other title information. The supplied information should be provided in the title proper field, not the other title information field. Refer to RAD 1.1E6 for examples of correct punctuation.

Formal titles that often need explanation include manuscripts, sound recordings, moving images, posters, theatre programs, and other creative material.

Supplied title information can include a “name element” and terms or phrases that describe the “nature of the archival unit.” Only include a “name element” if the name is different from the name(s) of the creator of the unit as a whole.

Do not use RAD 1.1E7 for describing dates of a reproduction. Provide this information in the Date(s) of Creation Area according to RAD 1.4B3a.

1.1F – Statement of responsibility

Usage guidelines: prohibited at all levels of description.

Do not use this field.

1.8B2 – Source of title proper

Usage guidelines: mandatory at all levels of description

Select “Source of title proper” from the note type drop down menu and indicate the source of the title proper.


  • Title supplied by Dalhousie University Archives (supplied title)

  • Title transcribed from cover page (formal title proper)

Note that sources of formal and supplied titles vary depending on broad class of material being described. Consult the relevant chapter in Part 1 of RAD for more guidance.

1.0A – Level of description

Usage guidelines: mandatory at all levels of description.

Select the appropriate level of description from the drop-down list.

Ensure that the level of description reflects the level of arrangement. This field is critical to ensuring that the finding aid complies with the RAD principle that levels of arrangement and description constitute a hierarchical system (RAD Principle P5.1).

Ensure that the archival description is correctly nested in the hierarchical system.  If the archival description is given a level of description that is inconsistent with the overall structure of the findng aid, the Catalogue presents an error message at the top of the archival description.


Usage guidelines: mandatory at the highest level of description and prohibited at lower levels of description.

At the top-level description, select the appropriate repository from the drop-down repository list.

Do not provide the repository at lower levels of description.

Identifier (reference code)

Usage guidelines: mandatory at highest level of description and at the file- and item-level of description. Identifiers are currently prohibited at the series- and sub-series level of description.

Enter a unique code used to identify the material described in the archival description. Do not enter identifiers in series- and sub-series level descriptions.

Compose identifiers according to the provisions outlined in the Guidelines for assigning reference codes and physical storage locations.

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