RAD 1.5 - Physical description area

RAD 1.5 - Physical description area

Usage guidelines: mandatory at all levels of description, but only extent and specific material designation notes must be provided at all levels. The general guidance is to provide more detailed physical description notes with each level of description.

Note about punctuation in Physical Description Area

The Physical Description Area has very specific guidelines for punctuation. The AtoM RAD template only provides a single text box for the entire physical description note. Physical description information must be entered into this filed with the appropriate RAD punctuation:

1.5B1 extent and specific material designation : 1.5C1 other physical details, 1.5C1 other physical details ;1.5D1 dimensions + 1.5E1 accompanying material


Precede other physical details notes by a space, colon, space ( : )


Precede each part of the other physical details by a comma, space (, )

Separate each part of the other physical details by a comma, preposition (e.g., in; near; beside; top of; mounted on; after), or conjunction (e.g., and; but; if; or)

Semi-colonPrecede dimensions notes by a space, semi-colon, space ( ; )
Plus signPrecede each statement of accompanying material by a plus sign.

See RAD 1.0C and applicable “.A2” punctuation subrules for general guidance on punctuation (e.g.,1.5A2 general punctuation rule; 8.5A2 punctuation rule for sound recordings, etc.). 

1.5B1 – Extent and specific material designation

Usage guidelines: mandatory at all levels of description.

  1. Record the extent and specific material designation of the unit being described as instructed in the .5B subrule of the chapter(s) dealing with the relevant broad class(es) of material (e.g., 3.5B1 for textual records; 4.5B1 for graphic material).

  2. Extent and specific material designation notes should always begin with an Arabic numeral.

1.5C1 – Other physical details

Usage guidelines: optional at all levels of description, except the file- and item-level of description, where they are recommended.

  1. Give other physical details (other than extent or dimensions) about the unit being described as instructed in the .5C subrule of the chapter(s) dealing with the relevant broad class(es) of material (e.g., 3.5C1 for textual records; 8.5C1 for sound recordings).

  2. Precede other physical details by a space, colon, space ( : ).

  3. Separate each part of the other physical details by a comma, preposition (e.g., in; near; beside; top of; mounted on; after) or conjunction (e.g., and; but; if; or).

1.5D1 – Dimensions

Usage guidelines: optional at all levels of description except the file- and item-level, where they are recommended.

  1. Give the dimensions of the unit being described as instructed in the .5D subrule of the chapter(s) dealing with the relevant broad class(es) of material (e.g., 3.5D1 for textual records; 8.5D1 for sound recordings).

  2. Precede dimensions by a space, semi-colon, space ( ; ).

  3. Use a full-stops when abbreviating inches (i.e., “in.”) but not when abbreviating centimetres and metres (i.e, “cm” and “m”).

1.5E1 – Accompanying material

Usage guidelines: prohibited at all levels of description except the item-level, where they are optional.

  1. At the item-level, give details of accompanying material (i.e., material issued with, and intended to be used with, the item being described) by making an Accompanying material note in the Notes area.

  2. Do not give details of accompanying material in the Physical description area.

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