Professional organizations

Professional organizations


  • This page includes information about professional organizations relevant to archives.

Regional organizations

  • Council of Atlantic University Libraries (CAUL/CBUA): The Council of Atlantic University Libraries - Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l’Atlantique is a collaborative partnership of 18 post-secondary libraries in Atlantic Canada. CAUL-CBUA enhances teaching, learning, and research in Atlantic Canada through the provision of information resources, library resource sharing, collaborative projects, and shared professional development. CAUL-CBUA supports member institutions in the provision of exceptional library services and resources to help our institutions achieve academic and scholarly excellence.

  • Council of Nova Scotia Archives: The Council of Nova Scotia Archives (CNSA) promotes archival excellence among institutions entrusted with the care of Nova Scotia's documentary heritage, and provide a network for co-operation, support and promotion of the use of archives.

National organizations

  • Access to Memory (AtoM) Foundation: The Access to Memory Foundation is a federally incorporated, community-driven, soliciting non-profit body operating under Corporation Number 1075337-8. The Foundation was established in 2018 to oversee and support the development, sustainability and adoption of Access to Memory (AtoM) as a multilingual, multi-repository open source application for standards-based archival description and access.

  • ARMA Canada: ARMA Canada is the Canadian Region of ARMA International, and is comprised of 14 Chapters. ARMA Canada aligns its goals and objectives with ARMA International’s vision and mission, which is: “To provide professionals with the resources, tools, and training [in person or electronically] they need to effectively manage records and information within an established information governance framework.”

  • Association of Canadian Archivists: The Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) is a national association representing over 600 archivists in Canada,

  • Canadian Council of Archives: The objects of the Canadian Council of Archives are:

    • To preserve and provide access to Canadian documentary heritage by improving the administration, effectiveness and efficiency of the archival system.

    • In furtherance of the above object, to coordinate, provide leadership and foster development and cooperation within the Canadian archival system by assisting and supporting member archival organizations through programs and services that benefit Canadians.

International organizations

  • ARMA International: ARMA International is a community of professionals in the information management and information governance industry, providing educational resources and networking opportunities at home and around the world.

  • International Council on Archives (ICA): The International Council on Archives (ICA) is dedicated to the effective management of records and the preservation, care and use of the world's archival heritage through its representation of records and archive professionals across the globe.

  • MetaArchive: MetaArchive Cooperative is a digital preservation network created and hosted by and for memory organizations. MetaArchive is an extensive distributed digital preservation network that currently includes 15 secure, closed-access preservation nodes and more than 200TB of content. These preservation nodes are hosted by libraries in different geographical regions across three continents. The MetaArchive network actively preserves content for more than 60 member libraries, archives, and museums. This content is maintained for preservation only, not for access by members of the network.

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