


A folio or signature of any size bound by sewing or stapling through the fold.

Source: Music Library Association. Preservation: Pamphlets. Originally compiled by Alice Carli and Denise McGiboney. Accessed June 26, 2018. http://committees.musiclibraryassoc.org/Preservation/Pamphlets.


Pamphlets are booklets commonly found in special collection and music libraries. UNESCO defines a pamphlet as "a non-periodical printed publication of at least 5 but not more than 48 pages, exclusive of the cover pages, published in a particular country and made available to the public."

Pamphlets in library collections are often bound in pamphlet binders.

Related terms

Pamphlet binder


American Library Association. Pamphlets and minor library material : clippings, broadsides, prints, pictures, music, bookplates, maps. Chicago: American Library Association (1917). Accessed June 26, 2018. https://archive.org/details/pamphletsandmin00assogoog

Carli, Alice. Binding and Care of Printed Music. Music Library Association Basic Manuals Series, no. 2. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press; Music Library Association, 2003, p. 148.

Music Library Association. Preservation: Pamphlets. Originally compiled by Alice Carli and Denise McGiboney. Accessed June 26, 2018. http://committees.musiclibraryassoc.org/Preservation/Pamphlets.

Silverman, Randy. Pamphlet binders and their use in research libraries. In Archival Products 1.1 (1992): 2-3. https://collections.lib.utah.edu/details?id=704019.

UNESCO. Recommendation concerning the international standardization of statistics relating to book production and periodicals. November 16, 1964. Accessed on June 26, 2018. http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13068&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html.

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