Technology monitoring and digital preservation standards

Technology monitoring and digital preservation standards


  • This page outlines the ways that the Technology Watch wiki supports compliance with international digital preservation standards.

Open Archival Information System (OAIS)

  • Monitoring technology is a key aspect of the Preservation Planning function (OAIS

Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories (TDR)

  • Organizational infrastructure:

    • The repository shall have mechanisms for review, update, and ongoing development of its Preservation Policies as the repository grows and as technology and community practice evolve.

  • Digital object management:

    • The repository shall have mechanisms in place for monitoring and notification when Representation Information is inadequate for the Designated Community to understand the data holdings.

    • 4.3.3: The repository shall have mechanisms to change its preservation plans as a result of its monitoring activities.

    • The repository shall have mechanisms for creating, identifying or gathering any extra Representation Information required.

  • Infrastructure and security risk management

    • 5.1.1: The repository shall identify and manage the risks to its preservation operations and goals associated with system infrastructure.

    • The repository shall employ technology watches or other technology monitoring notification systems.

    • The repository shall have procedures in place to monitor and receive notifications when hardware technology changes are needed.

    • The repository shall have procedures in place to evaluate when changes are needed to current hardware.

    • The repository shall have procedures in place to monitor and receive notifications when software changes are needed.

    • The repository shall have procedures in place to evaluate when changes are needed to current software.

Producer-Archive Interface Methodology Abstract Standard

The technology watch is used to define Data Object Types 

  • P-2: Exchange of general information

  • P-3: Identify the Content Information to be preserved

  • P-4: Identify the complementary information: The Representation Information and Preservation Description Information (PDI).

  • P-9: Make a preliminary identification of the Data Objects.

  • P-10, P-11, P-12, P-13: Define the rules, standards, and tools.

  • F-3: Define the general project context.

  • F-4: Define the formats, coding rules, and standards.

  • F-8: Write a description of the Information Objects.

  • F-9: Define the object classes and their attributes.

  • F-11: Define the model of the data to be delivered.

  • F-12: Draw up a model representation

  • F-36: Draw up the Submission Agreement

  • P-46: Make a preliminary agreement to proceed to the next phase

Producer-Archive Interface Specification

  • Transfer Object Group Types

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