17.3 - Create digital "master" TIFFs and "access copy" JPEGs of herbarium specimens

Process camera RAW images in DxO PhotoLab 

Note: The following procedures involve batch processing RAW images from a single photography session. The procedures require access to DxO PhotoLab software. If the camera is not tethered to a laptop computer, transfer RAW files and JPEG files from camera to local computer storage. 

  1. Launch DxO PhotoLab.

  2. Use the tree view to navigate to the folder for the photography session.

  3. Use the filter to sort files by extension.

  4. Select all of the .CR2 files. Right click on a file and select "Create project from current selection."

  5. Name the project after the shooting date and session number (e.g., 2018-03-18_Session1).

  6. Switch to the Customize window.

  7. Select all the images in the project. Right click on an image and select: Apply a preset > 2 - Neutral colours.

  8. Select all the images and scroll to the first image in the batch (i.e., the photograph of the colour correction card).

  9. Use the white balance colour picker to correct the white balance.

  10. Inspect each .CR2 file for quality. Use the crop each image as required. Cropping can be done individually or in batches. Batch cropping ensures consistent image dimensions but also requires individual inspection before exporting the images.

Export DNG, TIFF, and JPEG files

  1. Select all files in the project.

  2. In the File menu, select Export to disk.

    Control + Alt + P will also initiate the Export to disk - options dialogue window.

  3. Check the boxes for TIFF 16-bit - Full size, DNG - Full size, and JPEG (quality 100) - Full size.

  4. Click on each export option to refine settings.

    1. Remove the _DxO suffix from each export option.

    2. Ensure the JPEG quality scale is set to 100.

  5. Click on the Export button to begin exporting images.

  6. A dialogue window will warn that JPEGs already exist. Click on the overwrite button.

  7. Processing large batches of images can take a long time. Ensure the computer is plugged in and will not go into sleep mode.

Organize files

  1. Coming soon. 

Next step - disseminate "access" copy

See the procedures for preparing batch imports for DalSpace.