Upload digitization files to Libraries' file transfer service

Upload digitization files to Libraries' file transfer service


Scanner operators must upload digitization files to the Libraries’ file transfer service after the digitization workflow is complete.

Determine connection method

Determine the best available connection method. Use the following table for guidance:

Connection method



Connection method



AnyClient sFTP desktop software

Desktop software provided to Libraries staff by Academic Technology Services office.

Preferred connection method for standard transfer packages.

Web browser

Web-based file transfer service provided to Libraries staff by Academic Technology Services office.

Preferred connection method for zipped bags. Scanner operators should only package digitization files into zipped bags when they cannot upload files via the AnyClient sFTP software.

See the Digital Asset Technician for guidance.

Determine transfer type

Determine the appropriate transfer type. Use the following table for guidance:

Transfer type



Transfer type



Standard transfer

Top-level directory that contains all of the material in the transfer. The directory structure of the transfer can be simple (i.e. all files located in the same directory) or it can be nested and hierarchical.

Preferred transfer type for digitization files.

Zipped bag

Compressed .zip file that conforms to the BagIt File Packaging Format. Usually created with the Libraries' File Transfer Tool.

Preferred transfer type for electronic administrative University records. Scanner operators should only package digitization files into zipped bags when they cannot upload files via the AnyClient sFTP software.

See the Digital Asset Technician for guidance.

Upload standard transfer via AnyClient sFTP desktop software

Launch the AnyClient sFTP software.

Click on the File menu and select “Site Manager.”

Select “File Transfer Server” from the list.

Host information should be saved as part of the connection profile. See the Digital Asset Technician for guidance if necessary.

Enter your Username and Password.

Click on the “Connect” button.

The scanner computer now has an sFTP connection to the Libraries' file transfer server.

The left “Local System” panel shows the local storage of scanner computer. The right “Remote System” panel shows the scanner operator’s “user storage.” Some scanner operators may see folders that contain other digital archival material they are authorized to access.

Use the “Local System” panel to navigate to the top-level folder that contains all of the digitization files (e.g., master files, access copies, submission documentation).

Click on the green arrow button to initiate the upload.

A pop-up window will appear when the file transfer is complete. Click on the “OK” button to close the window.

Upload zipped bag via web browser interface

Coming soon.