Install FC5025 "Disk Image and Browse" software in BitCurator environment


  • "Disk Image and Browse" software to operate the Device Side Data FC5025 floppy controller can be installed in the BitCurator environment and other Linux operating systems.

  • Each FC5025 floppy controller is sold with a CD that includes software and drivers. To use the latest version of the software and drivers, download the source code from Device Side Data. Check for updates at:  

  • Commands are highlighted in bold font

Make directory for FC5025 software

  1. Open terminal.

  2. Make a new folder called FC5025: mkdir FC5025

Download and extract latest software

  1. Navigate to the new folder: cd FC5025

  2. Download the latest version of the source code: wget

  3. Extract source code: tar xvfz FC5025_Driver_Source_Code_v1309.tar.gz

    This will create a folder called dib.

  4. Run: sudo mv /home/bcadmin/dib/025_fc5025.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

    This moves a udev rules file that was extracted in previous step.

Install dependencies

  1. Install binutils: sudo apt-get install binutils

  2. Install libusb: sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0

  3. Install libusb: sudo apt-get install libusb-dev

Compile software

  1. Navigate to the dib/backend directory: cd dib/backend

  2. Compile source code: make

  3. Navigate to the dib/cmd directory: cd ../cmd

  4. Compile source code: make 

  5. Navigate to the dib/xdib directory: cd ../xdib

  6. Compile source code: make

Install software

  1. Navigate back to the dib folder: cd ..

  2. Install contents of dib/backend folder: sudo cp ./backend/ /usr/local/bin

  3. Install fcbrowse utility: sudo cp ./cmd/fcbrowse /usr/local/bin

  4. Install fcdrives utility: sudo cp ./cmd/fcdrives /usr/local/bin

  5. Install fcformats utility: sudo cp ./cmd/fcformats /usr/local/bin

  6. Install fcimage utility: sudo cp ./cmd/fcimage /usr/local/bin

  7. Install GUI: sudo cp ./xdib/xdib /usr/local/bin

Launch software

  1. Launch the graphical user interface: xdib

  2. The GUI should open in a new window.

Use FC5025 to create forensic image of 5.25 inch floppy disk

  1. Follow procedures for creating forensic images of 5.25 inch floppy disks.