Checklist for archival appraisals
Checklist for archival appraisals
The following checklist can be used in conjunction with the list of questions to ask during archival appraisal. The goal is to produce a thorough archival appraisal report to be retained as a permanent record of the Libraries.
Task | Date completed |
Preliminary research and functional analysis | |
Verify provenance by gathering and analyzing relevant information about the appraisal unit. | |
Specify the nature of the archival unit which the archival records comprise, e.g., fonds, series, file, item. Record this information in the "Summary Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Determine whether the appraisal unit is archival in whole or in part. Record this information in the "Summary Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Determine the identity or identities of the creator(s) of the appraisal unit. Record this information in the "Context Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Conduct research into the creator’s prime function or characteristic activities. Record this information in the "Context Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Draft a preliminary administrative history/biographical sketch of the creator. Record this information in the "Context Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Determine whether, and to what extent, the records reflect the context of their creation and use. Look for evidence of how the creator(s) used the records to carry out or document the function or activity concerned. Record any significant facts in the "Context Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Content of appraisal unit | |
Determine when the records were created. Record this information in the "Content Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Ascertain the extent and physical classes of material into which the records comprising the appraisal unit fall. Record this information in the "Content Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Identify the genre and form of records in the appraisal unit. Record this information in the "Content Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Evaluate the general physical condition of the appraisal unit. Record this information in the "Content Information" section of the archival appraisal report. | |
Consider whether specialized equipment is required to access the records. | |
Consider whether the records exist in, or are convertible to, a preservation-quality medium. | |
Consider the administrative, historical, legal, fiscal, evidential, informatonal, and/or intrinsic value of the appraisal unit. Optionally, record this information in the "Evaluation of Appraaisal Unit" section. | |
Selection of archival records | |
Identify the archival records present in the appraisal unit, based upon the analysis of context and content as outlined. | |
Record the criteria according to which the archival records were identified as such. If the archival unit was developed through a sampling process, indicate the method or technique by means of which the archival parts of the appraisal unit were determined. | |
Complete archival appraisal report | |
Complete the draft archival appraisal report. | |
Review with supervisor and revise as needed. | |
File approved archival appraisal report in paper and electronic case files for relevant fonds or collection(s). |
, multiple selections available,
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