Archival appraisal of digital objects

Archival appraisal of digital objects


There are some specific issues to consider in the archival appraisal of digital objects:

  1. Appraisal is an important step in the process of preserving digital records. Appraisal decisions have a significant impact on the long term preservation and access of records stored in a digital environment. 
  2. When analyzing information about records and the context of creation, it is important to consider the technological context. Take note of technical components of the hardware, software and electronic systems that were used in the creation of the record. 
  3. When assessing the value of digital records consider the following factors: authenticity, reliability, integrity and accuracy; usefulness, usability and accessibility; uniqueness, diversity, and representativeness. 
  4. The technical characteristics of records (e.g. file format or storage media) have a direct impact on the cost and feasibility of preservation. The value of digital records must be balanced with the technical and financial capacity of the organization to ensure long term preservation and access of obsolete formats. 
  5. Legal constraints also impact the feasibility of preservation. The creation of duplicate copies of records in preservation and access formats must not conflict with copyright or donor restrictions. 
  6. Digital records can be appraised at the item level. It may also be appropriate to identify and select only significant elements of records (e.g. only the important events recorded in a digital calendar or important layers in a digital map).

Further reading

Digital Preservation Coalition. "Acquisition and Appraisal." In Digital Preservation Handbook, 2nd Edition, 2015.

Eastwood, Terry. "Appraising Digital Records for Long-term Preservation." Data Science Journal 3 (2004): 202-08.

Hunter, Gregory S. “Selection and Appraisal.” In Developing and Maintaining Practical Archives : A How-To-Do-It Manual. Third edition. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman, 2020.

Niu, Jinfang, "Appraisal and Selection for Digital Curation.International Journal of Digital Curation 9.2 (2014): 65-82.

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