Archives services

Archives services


This page provides summary information on services provided to the Dalhousie community and the general public by the Dalhousie University Archives.


Reference and research services

The types of reference and research services offered by the Dalhousie University Archives include:

  • Assistance in finding the answer to specific reference questions

  • Assistance in developing search strategies to access archival material held at the University Archives

  • Responding to external email and telephone research queries about archival material held at the University Archives

  • Referrals to appropriate institutions (e.g., other library or archives with pertinent materials, online resources, etc.)

  • Compilation of guides, finding aids, instruction aids, and submissions to reference works

  • Orientation to the resources available in the University Archives through tours, workshops, lectures, and exhibitions

  • The retrieval of materials from closed archival storage and providing space for researchers in the Archives and Special Collections Reading Room

  • Access to document delivery materials marked as “In-Library Use Only”

  • Online access archival resources through the creation of online finding aids and digital collections

  • Digitization and reproduction services