Create image of 2.5 inch SATA hard drive
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Create image of 2.5 inch SATA hard drive
- Use forensic workstation and FTK Imager to image 2.5 inch SATA hard drives.
Connect TC4-8-R2 cable to hard drive
- Retrieve TC4-8-R2 cable (unified SATA/SAS signal and power connector) from adapter box # 1 in digital forensics lab supply area.
- Retrieve hard drive from Born Digital storage box (BD Box).
- Connect SATA connector to hard drive SATA pins.
Mount hard drive in Tableau T35689iu forensic bridge
- Insert hard drive into drive dock with pins outward.
- Connect 3M power connector to Tableau T35689iu forensic bridge.
- Connect SAS signal cable to SATA port in Tableau T35689iu forensic bridge.
- Press the “Power” button on the Tableau T35689iu write-blocker.
Ensure Pwr, Dev, Host, and WrtBlk lights are green. Note: if the drive is successfully mounted, it should also pop up in a File Explorer window where you can navigate the write-blocked drive
Identify disk number and volume letter for physical drive
- Click on Windows start menu.
- Right click on "Computer" and click on "Manage" to open the Computer Management window.
- Navigate to Disk Management menu.
- Identify disk number and volume letter for desired physical source.
Launch FTK Imager and initiate "Create Disk Image..." process
- Double-click FTK Imager desktop icon or taskbar icon to launch program.
- Click on the “File” menu and click on the “Create Disk Image…” to open Select Source window.
- Select “Physical Drive” radio button Click “Next” button to open Select Drive window
Verify successful creation of disk image
- Check Disk Image MD5 window.
- Close window.
- Open Windows Explorer and confirm the following organization of data:
- Fonds/Collection
- Accession folder
- Evidence
- EvidenceID
- Evidence – copies
- EvidenceID_copy
- Evidence
- Accession folder
- Fonds/Collection