RAD 1.3 - Class of specific material designation area

RAD 1.3 - Class of specific material designation area


  • This page provides guidance on how to use the “Class of specific material designation area”

Usage guidelines at each level of description

  • Do not use this area in top-level descriptions or lower-level descriptions (e.g., series- and sub-series descriptions)

  • This area is optional at the file-level of description

  • This area is optional at the item-level of description, but mandatory if a digital object exists

5.3B1 – Statement of scale (cartographic)

Usage guidelines: prohibited at top-level and lower-level descriptions. Optional at the file-level of description. Optional at the item-level, but mandatory if digital object exists.

5.3C1 – Statement of projection (cartographic)

Usage guidelines: prohibited at top-level and lower-level descriptions. Optional at the file-level of description. Optional at the item-level, but mandatory if digital object exists.

Coming soon.

5.3D1 – Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Usage guidelines: prohibited at top-level and lower-level descriptions. Optional at the file-level of description. Optional at the item-level, but mandatory if digital object exists.

Coming soon.

6.3B1 – Statement of scale (architectural)

Usage guidelines: prohibited at top-level and lower-level descriptions. Optional at the file-level of description. Optional at the item-level, but mandatory if digital object exists.

Coming soon.

12.3B1; 12.3C1 – Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Usage guidelines: prohibited at top-level and lower-level descriptions. Optional at the file-level of description. Optional at the item-level, but mandatory if digital object exists.

Coming soon.

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