


  • This page includes selected newsletters relevant to the archives profession.

Regional newsletters

  • The Beacon, the e-newsletter of the Association of Nova Scotia Museums: The Beacon e-newsletter is the major communication tool for ANSM, which relates information about training opportunities, new services and resources and changes to the organisation. The Beacon also includes a section called the Cuddy, which is a Nova Scotian term used to describe the deckhouse of small marine vessels where useful items are stored. The Cuddy contains information about grants, advocacy alerts and job postings, as well as news from ANSM members, government agencies, and heritage-related organisations. The Beacon is sent out every two to three weeks.

  • Council of Atlantic University Libraries (CAUL-CBUA) Newsletter: Enter your email address to receive the CAUL-CBUA Newsletters.

National newsletters

  • Documentary Heritage News: Documentary Heritage News is a weekly review of the documentary heritage and archives news. Its objectives are to survey what is happening around the world, but also to focuses specifically on news from Canada. It seeks in this sense to follow the activities of all Canadian archives. The review is published as a newsletter which, in addition to being placed on this blog, is also sent to the Arcan-l mailing list . The newsletter is created by David Rajotte, an archivist for a Canadian national institution. The newsletter is entirely done outside work hours and is in no way related to this institution.

International newsletters

  • International Council on Archives newsletter: The ICA newsletter provides monthly updates about ICA, current news relating to the profession world-wide, as well as links to selected items of professional interest. Past newsletters are freely available online: https://www.ica.org/en/public-resources/newsletters.

  • In the Loop: The Society of American Archivists' newsletter: In the Loop is SAA’s biweekly e-newsletter. Stay up-to-date on SAA activities—from the Annual Meeting, workshops, and publications to governance, advocacy, and career news items. It is distributed every other Wednesday to more than 9,200 subscribers.

  • MetaArchive News and Announcements: MetaArchive Cooperative is a digital preservation network created and hosted by and for memory organizations. This quarterly newsletter provides information on the network's recent activities, member snapshots, and new publications from community members.

  • Newsletter from the Archives Unleashed Project: Archives Unleashed aims to make petabytes of historical internet content accessible to scholars and others interested in researching the recent past. Supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we are developing web archive search and data analysis tools to enable scholars, librarians and archivists to access, share, and investigate recent history since the early days of the World Wide Web.

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