Email lists

Email lists


  • This page includes selected email lists used by the archives and libraries communities.

Regional email lists

National email lists

  • Arcan-L: ARCAN-L is provided for the discussion of archival issues and interests of particular relevance to Canadian Archives and archivists. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information amongst Canadian archivists and their colleagues in other countries. It is an unmoderated list. Subscribe to Arcan-l by filling out the form at: http://www.mailman.srv.ualberta.ca/mailman/listinfo/arcan-l.

  • Canadian Web Archiving Coalition email list: The Canadian Web Archiving Coalition (CWAC) is an inclusive community of practice within Canadian libraries, archives, and other memory institutions engaged or otherwise interested in web archiving. The Coalition’s mission is to identify gaps and opportunities that could be addressed by nationally coordinated strategies, actions, and services, including collaborative collection development, training, infrastructure development, and support for practitioners and researchers. Subscribe to CWACCAW-L by filling out the form at: https://listserv.uottawa.ca/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=CWACCAW-L&A=1.

International email lists

  • Archivematica User Forum: This is an open discussion forum for any Archivematica-related topic, including (but not limited to) community organizing, requirements analysis for new and prospective users, workflow configuration, preservation planning, and many more.

  • AtoM Users Discussion Forum: This forum is a place to share and receive support for AtoM and ICA-AtoM - an open source, web-based application for standards based archival description and access. More information about this user forum can be found here: https://wiki.accesstomemory.org/Resources/User_forum.

  • Digital Curation Discussion List: The digital-curation discussion list is intended to be a public forum that encourages cross-pollination across these project and institutional boundaries in order to foster wider awareness of project- and institution-specific work and encourage further collaboration.

  • International Council on Archives email list (ICA-L): This email distribution list aims to provide a venue for pooling information on archival issues internationally and for the discussion of all aspects of archival theory and practice. It is an ideal way for ICA bodies to distribute information about themselves and their activities, and also to share information between members. The list is, however, not restricted to ICA members alone. It is open to all with an interest in the archival profession, the preservation and promotion of records and archives, and good recordkeeping practices.

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