User Acceptance Testing Plan

User Acceptance Testing Plan



  • User acceptance testing is a form of software testing where the end-user or client tests the software application to determine if it can be accepted or not.

  • User acceptance testing assumes that software developers / service providers have already conducted a full regression testing plan prior to rolling out the upgrade.

  • User acceptance testing helps ensure that the system can support day-to-day business requirements and processes. It is usually the last stage of testing before a system is deployed for production usage.

  • Each time the Archives Catalogue is upgraded to a new version of Access to Memory (AtoM), the University Archives must carry out user acceptance testing and accept the upgrade.

  • This page outlines the University Archives' User Acceptance Testing Plan for AtoM.

Upgrade and user acceptance testing workflow

When Artefactual Systems releases a new version of Access to Memory, the University Archives should initiate the following steps:

  1. Review relevant release announcement to understand new features, bug fixes, etc.

  2. Update User Acceptance Testing Plan as needed.

  3. Schedule upgrade to DEV environment.

  4. Upgrade DEV environment.

  5. Perform user acceptance testing on DEV environment.

  6. Accept upgrade to DEV environment.

  7. Schedule upgrade to PROD environment.

  8. Upgrade PROD environment (staff data entry site and public access catalogue).

  9. Perform user acceptance testing on PROD environment.

  10. Accept upgrade to PROD environment.

If the user acceptance testing results in non-acceptance of an upgrade to either environment, deploy a solution to the DEV environment and perform user acceptance testing.

User Acceptance Testing Plan

The testing plan is organized according to the following areas: