Digital objects

Digital objects


These user acceptance tests are designed to ensure digital objects can be uploaded and displayed as expected.


User group

Expected results

Results (PASS/FAIL)

Tester notes


User group

Expected results

Results (PASS/FAIL)

Tester notes

Navigate to finding aid with large number of digital objects (e.g., Borgese, Waldren) and check the carousel display


Carousel slider can "sift" through digital object thumbnails



Click on digital object thumbnail in carousel


Redirect to archival description associated with the digital object. Larger "reference copy" is displayed at the top of the archival description



Click on "show all" button in carousel


Redirect to browse page with “card” view of multiple digital objects within the fonds or collection



Search or browse for archival descriptions and click on "show results with digital objects"


Browse page only shows results with digital objects and each result has a thumbnail



Click on thumbnail in search/browse results


Redirect to archival description associated with the digital object. Larger "reference copy" is displayed at the top of the archival description



Click on "reference copy" embedded at the top of the archival description


Open the JPEG or PDF in another tab. If the digital object is an audio or video file, the file streams from the archival description page



Link digital object to archival description





Delete digital object (click on "Edit digital object" menu button)


"Edit digital object" page opens. Contributor can delete the reference and thumbnail derivatives or delete the master digital object