Digitization workstation - checklist

Digitization workstation - checklist


This page provides a checklist for designing or assessing a digitization workstations.


Scanner operator can adjust chair so they can rest their feet flat on the floor and bend their knees at approximately a 90 degree angle.
Chair has padded arms.
Scanner operator can reach records without interference from chair arms.
Scanner operator can bring specialized chair to workstation if required.

Records storage

Workstation has adequate storage space for records.


Scanner can produce 8-bit grayscale images.
Scanner can produce 24-bit colour images.
Scanner can produce bitonal images.
Scanner can produce uncompressed TIFF files.
Scanner can produce images at 600 dpi and higher.

Image processing software

Note: the digitization workstation meets these requirements if the computer has Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Computer has image processing software that can batch convert TIFF files to JPEG files.
Computer has image processing software that can compile TIFF and/or JPEG files into PDA/A files.
Computer has image processing software that can perform Optical Software Recognition (OCR) to extract text from image files.
Computer has image processing software that can batch rename file names.

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