11.2 - Tape and deck cleaning

11.2 - Tape and deck cleaning


This page provides information on cleaning videotapes and playback equipment.

Tape cleaning

Note: tape cleaning is a precise and difficult process and must not be done without proper training and equipment.

  1. Before using videotape, the tape should be inspected.

  2. If the physical condition of the tape is unknown or the tape is known to be contaminated, tape cleaning should be performed to remove foreign debris and decay residues from both sides of the tape.

  3. If evidence of debris on the tape or in the container or shell is discovered during inspection, appropriate cleaning shall be done.

  4. If the tape transport must be stopped during playback due to head clogging, sticking, or skidding, careful cleaning shall be carried out prior to resuming playback.

  5. If the tape did not originate in-house or the physical condition has not been confirmed recently as acceptable, tape should be cleaned before placement in extended-term storage conditions.

  6. Regular and frequent tape cleaning is unnecessary unless addressing a specific problem.

Deck cleaning

If the

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