Accessioning workflow

Accessioning workflow

Workflow for private records acquisitions and accruals

TaskPerson responsible

Notify Archives staff that new acquisition is expected

University Archivist

Digital Archivist

Place any paper correspondence, deeds of gift, inventories, and other documentation about the acquisition in the wall-mounted vertical file in the main Archives work area

Place any electronic files in the appropriate case file directory in the Archives share drive

University Archivist

Digital Archivist

Receive record boxes into the ArchivesArchives staff

Assign accession number

Assign collection ID if necessary

Archives staff
Acknowledge receipt of material and provide accession number and collection ID to donor

University Archivist

Digital Archivist

Archives staff

Rebox and physically prepare material for storage as neededArchives staff

Prepare box labels and affix labels on boxes. Always include the accession number and the Collection ID on the box label

Archives staff
Create an accession record in ArchivesSpace. Refer to the metadata guidelines for accession records as needed.Archives staff
Identify physical storage location(s)Archives staff
Move accessioned material into physical storageArchives staff
Link accession record to physical storage locationArchives staff
Send copy of accession record to donorArchives staff

Accession departmental records tranfser

Coming soon.

Accession digital storage devices

  1. Prepare "Born Digital" box labels for digital storage devices and affix labels on containers, sleeves, etc.

  2. Prepare separation sheets for all digital storage devices separated from physical records. Place one sheet in the file folder and keep one sheet with the digital storage device.

  3. Register each digital storage device in the register of digital storage devices

  4. Bring "Born Digital" boxes to Digital Forensics Lab Manual for further processing or place boxes in archival storage.