Transfer Object

Transfer Object


A set of one or more Transfer Object Groups containing at least one Data Object that are to be transferred to the Archive.

Source: Producer-Archive Interface Specification (PAIS). Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 651.1-B-1. Blue Book. Issue 1. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, February 2014. [Equivalent to ISO 20104:2015]


Coming soon.

Metadata requirements for Transfer Objects

Transfer Objects, Transfer Object Groups, and Data Objects are abstract concepts that can be typified. Section 2 of the PAIS Tutorial states that the standard “supports the control of these objects through the description of their types, namely the Transfer Object Types, Group Types, and Data Object Types.

Each description is known as a Descriptor.

The PAIS standard provides a mechanism, called Transfer Object Descriptors, to formally define Transfer Object Types. These Descriptors are instantiated as XML documents. A Descriptor specifies a content tree composed of Group Types possibly holding other Group Types and/or Data Object Types. It also supports the specification of occurrences, sizes, and associations between types.

Descriptors are based on Descriptor Models, which define the mandatory and optional attributes needed for a Collection Descriptor or a Transfer Object Type Descriptor.

Types of Transfer Objects


Related terms


Descriptor Model

Model of Objects for Transfer (MOT)

Producer-Archive Project

Transfer Object Type

Transfer Object Group

Transfer Object Group Type