Model of objects for transfer (MOT)

Model of objects for transfer (MOT)


The set of all Descriptors for a given Producer-Archive Project. The model of objects for transfer (MOT) is used jointly by the Producer and the Archive to provide a common and understandable hierarchical view of the Producer’s Data Objects to be transferred and their organization into collections.


PAIMAS (ISO 20652:2006) and PAIS (ISO 20104:2015) require Archives and Producers to develop detailed data models prior to transferring any data to the Archive. The data model is known as Model of objects for transfer (MOT) and forms a key part of the Submission Agreement negotiated during the Preliminary Phase and Formal Definition Phase of the acquisition process.

MOTs are hierarchical structures that illustrate conceptual levels of arrangement within a fonds or collection registered in the /wiki/spaces/APM/pages/90538072. The Data Objects to be transferred are organized as Transfer Objects, which are organized as collections. A MOT typically has collections of collections. 

Image source

Model of Objects for Transfer. Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. Producer-Archive Interface Specification (PAIS) – A Tutorial. CCSDS 651.2-G-1 (September 2016). https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/651x2g1.pdf

Relationship between MOTs and archival finding aids (fonds with series and sub-series)

This table illustrate the relationship between a model of objects for transfer (MOT) and a finding aid that describes a fonds organized into series and sub-series

Model of object for transferFinding aidExample
Parent CollectionFonds-level descriptionDalhousie Art Gallery fonds (UA-36)
Child collectionSeries-level descriptionAdministrative records of the Dalhousie Art Gallery
Child collectionSub-series level description
Transfer object type

Transfer object type group

Relationship between MOTs and digital forensics

A producer-archive project could involve a MOT that specifies acceptable structure of forensic disk images created during the transfer phase.

  • Collection ID
    • Accession ID
      • Evidence_ID
        • File system
          • Partition

Related terms

Producer-Archive Project



Related technical standards

ISO standardCCSDS recommendationDescription
ISO 20652:2006 (PAIMAS)CCSDS 651.0-M-1, Section (Preliminary phase, actions P3 through P-8)This is the primary starting point and it is important at this stage to clearly define and delimit the information which constitutes the primary object of the Producer-Archive Project. If there are still some open options, this is the time to make these explicit. The preliminary phase cannot be completed until this has been accomplished.
ISO 20652:2006 (PAIMAS)CCSDS 651.0-M-1, Section (Formal definition phase, actions F-3 through F-12)This subsection discusses the precise definition of the information to be transferred from the Producer to the Archive. This definition is a formal model of objects to be delivered.
ISO 20104:2015 (PAIS)CCSDS 651.1-B-1


Producer-archive interface specification (PAIS) recommended by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS 651.1-B-1) and formalized as ISO 20104:2015. See: https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/651x1b1.pdf.

Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. Producer-Archive Interface Specification (PAIS) – A Tutorial. CCSDS 651.2-G-1 (September 2016). https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/651x2g1.pdf